Principal Message

“Success is a vehicle that moves on the wheels ‘Hard Work’ and the journey is impossible without the fuel ‘Self-confidence’”

I am excited to welcome you to Goodwill International Foundation’s Shree Jaya Anand College website. I am glad to convey the passion and energy that the faculty, staff, and students bring to you and all that they do to make Shree Jaya Anand a wonderful place to learn.

I hope you have a wonderful time studying at Shree Jaya Anand and that you will contribute to the pride and reputation of our prestigious institution. We are committed to maintain our current level of superiority and enhancing it further in all areas of academic endeavours, including the emphasis on research and the entire growth of the students at Shree Jaya Anand.

The College has a history of supporting its student’s overall personal development and academic performance. The goal of education is to build critical thinking skills in students, and this is done by providing them with an excellent academic environment, -art facilities, and devoted professors with years of classroom and professional experience. The Institute helps the students by conducting various activities that encourage group interaction. In order for our students to be exceptional professionals who can contribute to the industry, we strive to give them both technical and management abilities. I am proud of the outstanding teaching staff that offers the children a variety of engaging learning options.

Mrs.Pranali Patade
I/C Principal