This is a 3 years full time undergraduate course, affiliated to University of Mumbai. The goal of Shree Jaya Anand’s BSC. IT programme is to develop the keen minds and analytical skills necessary for the computer sciences field's dynamic and constant change. Operating systems, web development, programming languages, data structures, and computer networks are just a few of the topics covered in the curriculum. By professional interactions, lab sessions, conducting seminars with industry experts, and more, we give students with theoretical as well as practical knowledge to help them get the most out of this course. An IT graduate can find employment in a variety of IT companies as a System Analyst, Database Administrator, Web Programmer, Application Programmer, Web Designer, etc. for various IT organisations.


To provide basic inputs in various aspects and a broad understanding of IT. To synergies information technology in all its ramifications. The programme contents are highly theory and practical oriented. Students will have to exert more in order to grasp the skills and concepts. Excellent facilities are provided for practical on computer related subjects. The course is divided into six semesters and a continuous evaluation process through tests, tutorials and assignments.


HSC examination with maths as one of the subjects. Students passing an exam- ination equivalent to S.Y.J.C. of the Higher Secondary Board Mumbai and Inter- Mediate (Arts / Science/Commerce) of University, Boards from other states & im- migrating from other Universities, Boards & seeking admission to the F. Y. of the Three Year Integrated Degree Course will be admitted only on production of a Valid “Provisional Eligibility Certificate” issued by the University of Mumbai for the current academic year and for the desired course. Such students should submit a migration certificate, statement of marks and passing certificate in original along with true copies within two months, from the date of admission, failing which their admission is liable to be cancelled.

Note : Students who have opted Maths in 11th & 12th standards are eligible to take admission.

Syllabus of B.Sc IT Course

Semester I
Semester II
USIT101 - Imperative Programming USIT201 - Object oriented programming
USIT102 - Digital Electronics USIT202 - Microprocessor Architecture
USIT103 - Operating Systems USIT203 - Web Programming
USIT104 - Discrete Mathematics USIT204 - Numerical and Statistical Methods
USIT105 - Communications Skills USIT205 - Green Computing
USIT1P1 - Imperative Programming Practical USIT2P1 - Object Oriented Programming Practical
USIT1P2 - Digital Electronics Practical USIT2P2 - Microprocessor Architecture Practical
USIT1P3 - Operating Systeams Practical USIT2P3 - Web Programming Practical
USIT1P4 - Discrete Mathematics Practical USIT2P4 - Numerical and Statistical Methods Practical
USIT1P5 - Communications Skills Practical USIT2P5 - Green Computing Practical
Sem III Sem IV
USIT301 -Python Programming USIT3P1 - Python programming practical
USIT302 - Data structure USIT3P2 -Data structure practical
USIT303 - Computer Network USIT3P3 - Computer Network practical
USIT304 - Data management service USIT3P4 - Data management system ptactical
USIT305 - Applied mathematics USIT3P5 - Mobile programming practical
Sem V Sem VI
53701-S/W Project Management 88701- S/W Quality Assurance
53702- Internet of Things 88702- Security in Computing
53703- Advance Web Programming 88703- Business Inteligence
53704- Artificial Intelligence 88704- Principles og Geograpic Information System
53706- Enterprise Java 88706- IT Service Management
USIT5P1 - Project Dissertation USIT6P1 - Project Implementation
USIT5P2- Internet of Things USIT6P2 - Security in Computing Practical
USIT5P3 - Advance Web Programming Practical USIT6P3 - Business Inteligence
USIT5P4 - Artificial Intelligence Practical USIT6P4 - Principles og Geograpic Information System
USIT5P6 - Enterprise Java Practical USIT6P5 - Advance Mobile Programming