I am extremely happy to share some of my ideologies through this page. I have experienced the difficulties of a common man. I know the basic needs of men and the difficulties endured by the under-privileged and down trodden. I do strongly believe that Education is the only weapon which can pave the way for such people to uplift themselves.

Therefore enable every child to get good Education, Hard work will always reward the doer. I always wished  to impart meaningful education with much stress to our Indian culture which is globally respected. “Education with Wisdom” is our motto and Shree Jaya Anand stands to serve ever to this motto. SPIRITUALITY at a young age and DISCIPLINED are the two major issues of the nation which no school nurtures to the fullest Shree Jaya Anand focuses  on this and the secondary thing  is to update the students with Technology and Communication.

I wish that children should learn the latest technologies with knowledge of applications.

I appreciate and congratulate each and every member of Shree Jaya Anand college who work as a strong team, as a family composed of individuals intertwined by their duties.Taking the time to send everyone compliment message will connect with them on a personal level.Despite the many obstacles in place, Every member at Shree Jaya Anand college managed to pull through and strongly believed in never giving up on the goal. All the very best for new adventure, may success prosperity follow you all.


You educate a man, you educate a man. You educate a woman you educate a generation.

I am glad and pleased to hear about Shree Jaya Anand college for meeting the educational goals of standard global development. The students capable of contributing in both individual and community development focuses on the social, mental, physical, emotional, cognitive, and economic development of every learner representative of their race, ethnicity, gender, geographical location or socio economic status.


We are passing through a world of cut throat competitions. Technologies’ and source of knowledge are changing at a breath pace. Education is essential for individual and society to survive and exist. We need to encourage the young learners to think critically and vibrant in the modern society. We ought to make them aware about the social issues and involve them in decision making, inculcating moral values welcome diversity and to respect fellow beings and Motherland.


Together one mind, one heart, one soul. With one small step at a time, we can make some difference towards a better world, a brighter tomorrow. - Martin Luther King Jr.


I believe that education is the most important aspect of growth and educated population solves many problems. Shree Jaya Anand college plays an instrumental role in imparting quality education to students every year.

I believe each child is unique and has tremendous potential to learn. It is our responsibility as faculties and parents to mould them into a flawless zealous and victorious citizens. Our institute always strives hard to promote education and culture in all aspects in order to achieve and fulfil the mission vision statement that we believe in – “The hard work of today is the triumph of the future. The time and effort you spend today are the deciding factor of your later years.’ Shree Jaya Anand constantly evaluates and re-evaluates, so as to make the process of learning interesting, effective and result oriented.


I intend my warm wishes to the principal, staff and students to continue this journey on the road of excellence.


I wish you all a very happy and successful year full of Laurels and Greetings.


I firmly believe that education fosters confidence, discipline and clarity in the thought and decision- making ability to set and achieve goals, and above all social responsibility as a life-long process among the students. Students of Shree Jaya Anand College are groomed to the think out of the box and engulf articulation, innovation and team work. The challenge lies in utilising the changing learning pattern with changes in the methods of instruction coupled with technological advancements to create an educational experience that will influence the all-round development of students and uphold our commitment towards our nation. At Jaya Anand College, a non-profit organization, our expert teaches, trustworthy staff and experienced principal are all dedicated to education first. Their main goal is to provide every student the opportunity to reach his or her fullest potential.

I accolade and praise on this special occasion of publishing the school / college magazine that would help cherish the joyous movement and pressure the success stories created by the school.

I wish you all a great success in all endeavours in the years to come.


With a vast experience in the teaching field under different positions of responsibility and gaining the relevant skill set, Being the Dy. Director of education ( Retd ) Government of Maharashtra take this opportunities to congratulate GIF’s Jaya Anand College college for its overall achievement and progress in each and every field.

A depth of gratitude towards the management for valuing potential and abilities of each and every one for devoting their precious and valuable time for the upliftment welfare, wellbeing of this Institution.

My sincere acclamation to the teaching fraternity for their great enthusiasm & deep interest in the development of a bright future generation of this distinguished country.

I compliment and applause every institution member for maintaining the record of excellence in all field consistently for the last few years.

I extend my best wishes and blessing to the student, parents and all well-wishers who are associated with this great Institution.

I once again appreciate and acknowledge the institution for achievement and wish a splendid success in their journey of education.